Mysore Pak, the iconic sweet made of gram flour, ghee, and sugar, has a rich history tied to Mysore. It was accidentally created by the royal cook Kakasura Madappa for King Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar, who loved it and named it after the city. Now, a new experience center in Mysore, “World of Mysore Pak,” lets visitors see how this delicious treat is made, taste different versions, and buy the final product.
The 8,000 sqft space has a modern design with green tiles and a live kitchen, where customers can watch the whole process. The store offers 11 different variations of Mysore Pak, including mango, carrot, jaggery, and more. There’s also a twist with unique creations like Mysore Pedha, a mix of Mysore Pak and Dharwad Peda, and the Pa-Ka Sandwich.
The women-owned business is run by Sowmya HS, Sushma V Prasad, and Shruthi Pavan Shroff, who are passionate about the sweet. The process involves using high-quality ingredients like sugar from Bannari Mills and special gram flour, mixed with ghee and a secret spice to make it unique.
If you’re visiting Mysore, make sure to stop by and take home a piece of this sweet tradition!
#MysorePak #MysoreTreats #SweetTradition #MysoreExperience #FoodieJourney #GheeAndGramFlour