Watching the sunset is a great way to relax on vacation. AllClear found the best sunset spots in the U.S. by looking at weather conditions like cloud cover, wind, and rainfall, along with social media popularity. They gave each place a “Sunset Score” out of 100.

Top Sunset Spot: Waikiki, Hawaii

Waikiki is the best place to see the sunset in the U.S., thanks to its beautiful ocean views, palm trees, and perfect weather during sunset hours. It also got over 23,000 mentions on social media.

Other Top Spots

  • Grand Canyon National Park: The canyon walls glow in golden colors during sunset. Best spots are South Rim and Mather Point.
  • Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: With a sunset score of 77.3, this spot has stunning views of the Teton Range.

Tips for Better Sunset Photos

  • Plan Ahead with apps like PhotoPills to see the sun’s path.
  • Use the Rule of Thirds for better composition.
  • Clouds Make It Better by adding color to the sunset.

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